'Ngeclopedije: Differenze 'mbrà revisiune

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'ANa ''''ngeclopedije''' ète n'nuopere lìbbreca addòpigghie stonne'a scrittesistematizzazione d'nuu munnesapere umane sus a 'nu dedeterminate coseargumènde.
'U termine [[Lènga latine|latine]] [[Rinascimènde|rinascimendàle]] ''encyclopædia'' avène da l'espressione [[Lènga greche|greche]] de [[Plutarco]] ''enkyklos paideia'' (ἐγκύκλος παιδεία), letteralmènde "jndr'ô cerchie d'u sapere". 'U termine pòte pure ccu esse 'ndese cumme "''[[istruzione]] circolare''", ce vuè ccu dìce comblete, capace ccu capisce totte le discipline.
[[Denis Diderot]] ha 'nvendate l'engeclopedije.
Le 'ngeclopedije pòtene ccu esse generale, e tène jndre a lòre vôsce sus a ogne argumènde (lettere, sciènze, arte), oppure specialisteche e concentrarse sus a 'nu specifeche cambe d'a [[canoscènze]] (pè esembie 'na 'ngeclopedije de [[medicine]] o de [[felosofije]]).
'U termine latine rinascimendale ''encyclopædia'' avène da l'espressione [[greche]] de [[Plutarco]].
'A prime 'ngeclopedije hé state 'nvendate da 'u [[Frange|frangese]] [[Denis Diderot]].
[[File:Brockhaus Lexikon.jpg|right|thumb|300px|[[Enciclopedia Brockhaus|Brockhaus Konversations-Lexikon]], 1902]]
== Bibbliografije ==
Pè approfondimènde:
* Collison, Robert, ''Encyclopaedias: Their History Throughout the Ages'', 2nd ed. (New York, London: Hafner, 1966)
* Darnton, Robert, ''The business of enlightenment: a publishing history of the Encyclopédie, 1775-1800'' (Cambridge: Belknap Press, 1979) ISBN 0-674-08785-2
* Kafker, Frank A. (ed.), ''Notable encyclopedias of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries: nine predecessors of the Encyclopédie'' (Oxford: Voltaire Foundation, 1981) ISBN
* Kafker, Frank A. (ed.), ''Notable encyclopedias of the late eighteenth century: eleven successors of the Encyclopédie'' (Oxford: Voltaire Foundation, 1994) ISBN
* Tega, W. (ed.), ''L'unità del sapere e l'ideale enciclopedico nel pensiero moderno'' (Bologna: il Mulino, 1983)
* Walsh, S. Padraig, ''Anglo-American general encyclopedias: a historical bibliography, 1703-1967'' (New York: Bowker, 1968, 270 pp.) Includes an historical bibliography, arranged alphabetically, with brief notes on the history of many encyclopedias; a chronology; indexes by editor and publisher; bibliography; and 18 pages of notes from a 1965 American Library Association symposium on encyclopedias.
* Yeo, Richard R., ''[http://www.cambridge.org/us/catalogue/catalogue.asp?isbn=0521651913 Encyclopaedic visions: scientific dictionaries and enlightenment culture]'' (Cambridge, New York: Cambridge University Press, 2001) ISBN 0-521-65191-3
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