da spartere – pe copià, distribbuì e trasmettere 'a fatìe
da misckà – pe adattà a 'a fatìe
Sotte a le condiziune seguende:
attribbuzione – A dà le credite giuste, 'nu collegamende a 'a licenze e dicere ce onne state fatte de le cangiaminde. Puè farle accumme vuè tu, ma none jndr'à 'nu mode ca suggerisce ca 'u licenziande approve a te e l'ause tune.
condivide cose simile – If you alter, transform, or build upon this work, you must distribute the resulting work under the same license as the original.
This is an organizational chart for the Wikimedia Foundation. The picture is not official!!! Author: ~~~ Licence: actually please contact me for modification, that might be easier if I centralize them. If you do not want, this is under CC-BY-SA
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