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(Dark-Green) Greece.
(Light-Green) The rest of the European Union (EU).
(Dark-gray) The rest of Europe.
(Light-gray) The surrounding region.

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Il codice sorgente di questo grosso file SVG non è valido a causa di 12 errori.
Questa grossa mappa in grafica vettoriale non valida secondo il W3C è stata creata con Inkscape.
Autore NuclearVacuum
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creatore italiano

Ottòmmre 2009

tipo di file italiano



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(UrtemePrime) Vide (cchiù nueve 10) (102050100250500)
corrende05:58, 1 Feb 2020Thumbnail p'a versione de 05:58, 1 Feb 20202 045 × 1 720 (7,33 MB)Rob984UK and Gibraltar have left the EU. New base which includes all of Portugal's islands within frame, as well as Arctic Russian islands part of Europe. Also fixed Flevoland in the Netherlands.
21:30, 25 Ott 2016Thumbnail p'a versione de 21:30, 25 Ott 20162 045 × 1 720 (7,32 MB)Giorgi BalakhadzeRv of sockpuppet and per COM:OVERWRITE
05:05, 23 Lug 2015Thumbnail p'a versione de 05:05, 23 Lug 20152 045 × 1 720 (7,39 MB)PolyethylenReverted to version as of 07:47, 22 July 2015
00:46, 23 Lug 2015Thumbnail p'a versione de 00:46, 23 Lug 2015723 × 601 (1,05 MB)Viet-hoian1Minor, though relevant corrections on the map of Greece
19:02, 22 Lug 2015Thumbnail p'a versione de 19:02, 22 Lug 2015641 × 585 (926 KB)Viet-hoian1Reverted to version as of 03:20, 22 July 2015 I'm not deleting, I'm just reverting. That map might be appropriate on an EU-related article, I don't think it's appropriate concerning to Greece itself.
08:47, 22 Lug 2015Thumbnail p'a versione de 08:47, 22 Lug 20152 045 × 1 720 (7,39 MB)KalinowskiReverted to version as of 17:19, 21 July 2015 It is another map. Don't delete previous one.
04:20, 22 Lug 2015Thumbnail p'a versione de 04:20, 22 Lug 2015641 × 585 (926 KB)Viet-hoian1Reverted to version as of 08:11, 21 July 2015
18:19, 21 Lug 2015Thumbnail p'a versione de 18:19, 21 Lug 20152 045 × 1 720 (7,39 MB)KalinowskiReverted to version as of 04:12, 24 February 2015
09:11, 21 Lug 2015Thumbnail p'a versione de 09:11, 21 Lug 2015641 × 585 (926 KB)Viet-hoian1Ελλάδα - Grecia - Greece
05:12, 24 Feb 2015Thumbnail p'a versione de 05:12, 24 Feb 20152 045 × 1 720 (7,39 MB)LeftcryReverted to version as of 19:38, 16 November 2014 Top mapcompletely messed up, main visual messed up
(UrtemePrime) Vide (cchiù nueve 10) (102050100250500)

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