File:Djourab, Chad ; Sahelanthropus tchadensis 2001 discovery map.png

Djourab,_Chad_;_Sahelanthropus_tchadensis_2001_discovery_map.png (341 × 341 pixel, dimenzione d'u fail: 7 KB, tipe de MIME: image/png)

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  • Sahelanthropus tchadensis is an extinct hominine species that is dated to about 7 million years ago, possibly very close to the time of the chimpanzee/human divergence.
  • The fossils of Sahelanthropus were discovered near the map's marked area, in the Djurab Desert of Chad, in 2001.

  • I, En rouge, creator of the image, grant the GFDL below.

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corrende10:00, 25 Abb 2016Thumbnail p'a versione de 10:00, 25 Abb 2016341 × 341 (7 KB)En rougeadded South Sudan and Cabinda (Angola)
02:20, 20 Agú 2005Thumbnail p'a versione de 02:20, 20 Agú 2005341 × 341 (6 KB)En rouge{{GFDL}}I, En rouge, creator of the image, grant the GFDL above Category:Sahelanthropus Category:Discovery map

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