Corbin Bleu, satte-satte Corbin Bleu Reivers (Nuève York, 21 febbrare 1989) [1] ète 'nu candande Americane. Have pigghiate parte a X Factor e a 'u Festival de Sanremo 2011.

Corbin Bleu

Discografije cange

Album cange

Singole cange

  • 2006 - Push It to the Limit
  • 2007 - Deal with It
  • 2008 - Run It Back Again
  • 2009 - Moments That Matter
  • 2009 - Celebrate You

Tour cange

  • 2006/2007 - High School Musical: The Concert
  • 2007 - Corbin Bleu: The Concert

Note cange

  1. actor corbin bleu in
  2. Pop Songs | Cobin Bleu album
  3. Corbin Bleu albums and CDs in the Corbin Bleu discography

Otre pruggette cange

Collegaminde fore a Uicchipèdie cange

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